How to add the "Show project" button to a LinkedIn project

Posted on:
| Miscelanea

I was updating my LinkedIn profile to add my projects Audiotext and Mobile Strings Converter and noticed that the "Project URL" field is gone from the project form. As a result, there is currently no way to add it directly from the frontend. However, there is a workaround to add it with a fetch request, which I'll show you in this tutorial.

Add URL to a new project

  1. Go to your LinkedIn profile and select Add section > Recommended > Add courses. Add course

Add URL to an existing project

  1. Go to the Projects section of your profile and click the pencil to edit them. Edit projects
  2. Edit the one you want to add the URL to. Edit project

Common steps

  1. Fill out the project form and DON'T submit it. Fill out the project form
  2. Open your browser's Developer Tools. In Chrome, you can right-click and select Inspect or enter the Ctrl + Shift + I shortcut (⌘ Command + ⌥ Option + I if you're on a Mac).
  3. In Developer Tools, select the Network tab.
  4. On the LinkedIn project form, click Save to submit the form.
  5. Go to the Developer Tools and look for a POST request whose name starts with graphql?action=execute&queryIdVoyagerIdentityDash: Request
  6. Right click on it and choose Copy > Copy as fetch. The copied content should be similar to this (note that I've replaced sensible data with ...):
    fetch("", {
      "headers": {
      "referrer": "...",
      "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
      "body": "{\"variables\":{\"formElementInputs\":[{\"formElementUrn\":\"urn:li:fsd_profileEditFormElement:(PROJECT,urn:li:fsd_profileProject:(...),/description)\",\"formElementInputValues\":[{\"textInputValue\":\"A Python package that converts Android & iOS string files to any supported file type. Link:\"}]}],\"trackingId\":\"...\"},\"queryId\":\"voyagerIdentityDashProfileEditFormPages...\"}",
      "method": "POST",
      "mode": "cors",
      "credentials": "include"
  7. Change the "/description" part of the formElementUrn value to "/url" and the textInputValue value to the your project's URL. Here is an example based on the above request:
    formElementUrn: "urn:li:fsd_profileEditFormElement:(PROJECT,urn:li:fsd_profileProject:(...),/url)"
    textInputValue: ""
  8. Copy the fetch request with your changes and paste it into the Developer Tools console.
  9. Press Enter and refresh the LinkedIn page. You should now see the Show project button! LinkedIn project