Astro Docs code blocks with Expressive Code

While researching how to add the View Transitions API with Astro, I wondered how to implement the same code block style of their documentation because I find the default configuration of Shiki to lack some important features such as insertions, deletions, highlighting, and filenames. Also, the way the code blocks are presented in the Astro Docs is just beautiful.
Once I finished implementing the View Transitions API, which you can easily do by following this Astro guide, I analyzed the Astro Docs codebase to customize the default Shiki code blocks with the Astro Docs ones.
Let's get to work!
The package that Astro Docs uses for the code blocks is Expressive Code, which is mainly maintained by Astro Docs contributors. To properly add it to your Astro site, you need to follow these steps:
Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to navigate to the root of your Astro project:
cd /path/to/your/project
Add the package
to your site's dependencies:# When using npm npm install astro-expressive-code # When using pnpm pnpm install astro-expressive-code # When using yarn yarn add astro-expressive-code
Create a folder called
in the root.mkdir integrations
Create a file named
inside the newintegrations
folder, :# When using Windows cd . > integrations/expressive-code.ts # When using Linux or macOS touch integrations/expressive-code.ts
Add the following code (taken from here) to the
file:import { astroExpressiveCode, ExpressiveCodeTheme, } from "astro-expressive-code"; import path from "path"; import { theme } from "./syntax-highlighting-theme"; // Allow creation of a pre-configured Expressive Code integration that matches the Astro Docs theme export const astroDocsExpressiveCode = () => astroExpressiveCode({ theme: new ExpressiveCodeTheme(theme), styleOverrides: { codeBackground: "var(--theme-code-bg)", borderColor: "hsl(269deg 22% 25%)", scrollbarThumbColor: "hsl(269deg 20% 90% / 0.25)", scrollbarThumbHoverColor: "hsl(269deg 20% 90% / 0.5)", }, frames: { styleOverrides: { editorTabBarBackground: "var(--theme-code-tabs)", editorActiveTabBackground: "hsl(269deg 40% 65% / 0.15)", editorActiveTabBorderBottom: "hsl(269deg 35% 55%)", editorTabBarBorderBottom: "var(--theme-code-tabs)", terminalTitlebarBackground: "var(--theme-code-tabs)", terminalTitlebarBorderBottom: "transparent", terminalBackground: "var(--theme-code-bg)", }, }, textMarkers: { styleOverrides: { defaultChroma: "55", }, }, getBlockLocale: ({ file }) => { // Path format: `src/content/docs/en/getting-started.mdx` // Part indices: 0 1 2 3 4 const pathParts = path.relative(file.cwd, file.path).split(/[\\/]/); return pathParts[3]; }, });
Create another file named
in the sameintegrations
folder:# When using Windows cd . > integrations/syntax-highlighting-theme.ts # When using Linux or macOS touch integrations/syntax-highlighting-theme.ts
Add the following code (taken from here) to the
file:It's a rather long file, so click here to display it.
import type { ShikiConfig } from "astro"; const red = { 0: "#ff657c" }; const yellow = { 0: "#EBCB8B", 1: "#ffbd2e" }; const blue = { 0: "#66adff", 1: "#5E81AC" }; const green = { 0: "#16c082" }; const cyan = { 0: "#23b1af" }; const grey = { 0: "#d8dee9", 1: "#c7c5d3", 2: "#aba8bd", 9: "#312749" }; const foregroundPrimary = grey[0]; const backgroundPrimary = grey[9]; type ExcludeStringAndUndefined<T> = T extends string | undefined ? never : T; type IShikiTheme = ExcludeStringAndUndefined<ShikiConfig["theme"]>; export const theme: IShikiTheme = { name: "Star Gazer", type: "dark", fg: foregroundPrimary, bg: backgroundPrimary, settings: [ { settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, background: backgroundPrimary, }, }, { scope: "emphasis", settings: { fontStyle: "italic", }, }, { scope: "strong", settings: { fontStyle: "bold", }, }, { name: "Comment", scope: "comment", settings: { foreground: grey[2], }, }, { name: "Constant Character", scope: "constant.character", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Constant Character Escape", scope: "constant.character.escape", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Constant Language", scope: "constant.language", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Constant Numeric", scope: "constant.numeric", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Constant Regexp", scope: "constant.regexp", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Entity Name Class/Type", scope: ["", ""], settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "Entity Name Function", scope: "", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "Entity Name Tag", scope: "", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Entity Other Attribute Name", scope: "entity.other.attribute-name", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "Entity Other Inherited Class", scope: "entity.other.inherited-class", settings: { fontStyle: "bold", foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "Invalid Deprecated", scope: "invalid.deprecated", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, background: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Invalid Illegal", scope: "invalid.illegal", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, background: red[0], }, }, { name: "Keyword", scope: "keyword", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Keyword Operator", scope: "keyword.operator", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Keyword Other New", scope: "", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Markup Bold", scope: "markup.bold", settings: { fontStyle: "bold", }, }, { name: "Markup Changed", scope: "markup.changed", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Markup Deleted", scope: "markup.deleted", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Markup Inserted", scope: "markup.inserted", settings: { foreground: green[0], }, }, { name: "Meta Preprocessor", scope: "meta.preprocessor", settings: { foreground: blue[1], }, }, { name: "Punctuation", scope: "punctuation", settings: { foreground: grey[1], }, }, { name: "Punctuation Definition Parameters", scope: [ "punctuation.definition.method-parameters", "punctuation.definition.function-parameters", "punctuation.definition.parameters", ], settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "Punctuation Definition Comment", scope: [ "punctuation.definition.comment", "punctuation.end.definition.comment", "punctuation.start.definition.comment", ], settings: { foreground: grey[2], }, }, { name: "Misc blocks", scope: ["source.astro meta.brace.round"], settings: { foreground: grey[2], }, }, { name: "Punctuation Section", scope: "punctuation.section", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "Punctuation Section Embedded", scope: [ "punctuation.section.embedded.begin", "punctuation.section.embedded.end", ], settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Punctuation Terminator", scope: "punctuation.terminator", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Punctuation Variable", scope: "punctuation.definition.variable", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Storage", scope: "storage", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "String", scope: "string", settings: { foreground: green[0], }, }, { name: "String Regexp", scope: "string.regexp", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Support Class", scope: "support.class", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "Support Constant", scope: "support.constant", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Support Function", scope: "support.function", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "Support Function Construct", scope: "support.function.construct", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Support Type", scope: "support.type", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "Support Type Exception", scope: "support.type.exception", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "Token Debug", scope: "token.debug-token", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Token Error", scope: "token.error-token", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Token Info", scope: "", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "Token Warning", scope: "token.warn-token", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "Variable", scope: "variable.other", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "Variable Language", scope: "variable.language", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "Variable Parameter", scope: "variable.parameter", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "Quotes", scope: [ "punctuation.definition.string.begin", "punctuation.definition.string.end", ], settings: { foreground: green[0], }, }, { name: "Punctuation ends (ex. semicolons)", scope: [ "punctuation.terminator.statement", "punctuation.terminator.rule", ], settings: { foreground: grey[1], }, }, { name: "[Astro] Embedded expressions as HTML props", scope: ["expression.embbeded.astro"], settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Astro] Embedded expressions as HTML props", scope: ["expression.embbeded.astro meta.brace"], settings: { foreground: grey[1], }, }, { name: "[C/CPP] Punctuation Separator Pointer-Access", scope: "punctuation.separator.pointer-access.c", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[C/CPP] Meta Preprocessor Include", scope: [ "source.c meta.preprocessor.include", "source.c", ], settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[C/CPP] Conditional Directive", scope: [ "source.cpp keyword.control.directive.conditional", "source.cpp punctuation.definition.directive", "source.c keyword.control.directive.conditional", "source.c punctuation.definition.directive", ], settings: { foreground: blue[1], fontStyle: "bold", }, }, { name: "[CSS] Constant Other Color RGB Value", scope: "source.css constant.other.color.rgb-value", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[CSS] Property values", scope: [ "", "", "source.css keyword.other.unit", ], settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "[CSS] Units", scope: ["source.css keyword.other.unit"], settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "[CSS] Function variable arguments", scope: "meta.function.variable.css", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[CSS] Constant in string (ex. data attribute)", scope: ["string.quoted.double.css", "string.quoted.single.css"], settings: { foreground: green[0], }, }, { name: "[CSS](Function) Meta Property-Value", scope: "source.css", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[CSS] Media Queries", scope: [ "source.css", "source.css punctuation.definition.keyword", ], settings: { foreground: cyan[0], }, }, { name: "[CSS] Support Type Property Name", scope: "source.css", settings: { foreground: cyan[0], }, }, { name: "[diff] Meta Range Context", scope: "source.diff meta.diff.range.context", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[diff] Meta Header From-File", scope: "source.diff meta.diff.header.from-file", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[diff] Punctuation Definition From-File", scope: "source.diff punctuation.definition.from-file", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[diff] Punctuation Definition Range", scope: "source.diff punctuation.definition.range", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[diff] Punctuation Definition Separator", scope: "source.diff punctuation.definition.separator", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Elixir](JakeBecker.elixir-ls) module names", scope: "", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[Elixir](JakeBecker.elixir-ls) module attributes", scope: "variable.other.readwrite.module.elixir", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, fontStyle: "bold", }, }, { name: "[Elixir](JakeBecker.elixir-ls) atoms", scope: "constant.other.symbol.elixir", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, fontStyle: "bold", }, }, { name: "[Elixir](JakeBecker.elixir-ls) modules", scope: "variable.other.constant.elixir", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[Go] String Format Placeholder", scope: "source.go constant.other.placeholder.go", settings: { foreground: yellow[0], }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Decorator", scope: [ "source.js punctuation.decorator", "source.js meta.decorator variable.other.readwrite", "source.js meta.decorator", ], settings: { foreground: cyan[0], }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Meta Object-Literal Key", scope: "source.js meta.object-literal.key", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[JavaScript](JSDoc) Storage Type Class", scope: "source.js storage.type.class.jsdoc", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] String Template Literals Punctuation", scope: [ "source.js string.quoted.template punctuation.quasi.element.begin", "source.js string.quoted.template punctuation.quasi.element.end", "source.js string.template punctuation.definition.template-expression", ], settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Interpolated String Template Punctuation Functions", scope: "source.js string.quoted.template meta.method-call.with-arguments", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] String Template Literal Variable", scope: [ "source.js string.template meta.template.expression", "source.js string.template meta.template.expression variable.other.object", ], settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Support Type Primitive", scope: "source.js support.type.primitive", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Variable Other Object", scope: "source.js variable.other.object", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Variable Other Read-Write Alias", scope: "source.js variable.other.readwrite.alias", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Parentheses in Template Strings", scope: [ "source.js meta.embedded.line meta.brace.square", "source.js meta.embedded.line meta.brace.round", /* Required for extension `mgmcdermott.vscode-language-babel`. */ "source.js string.quoted.template meta.brace.square", "source.js string.quoted.template meta.brace.round", ], settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[JavaScript] Braces", scope: [ "source.astro meta.brace.square", "source.astro meta.brace.round", ], settings: { foreground: grey[2], }, }, { name: "[HTML] Constant Character Entity", scope: "text.html.basic constant.character.entity.html", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[HTML] Constant Other Inline-Data", scope: "text.html.basic constant.other.inline-data", settings: { foreground: cyan[0], fontStyle: "italic", }, }, { name: "[HTML] Meta Tag SGML Doctype", scope: "text.html.basic meta.tag.sgml.doctype", settings: { foreground: blue[1], }, }, { name: "[HTML] Punctuation Definition Entity", scope: "text.html.basic punctuation.definition.entity", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[INI] Entity Name Section Group-Title", scope: "", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[INI] Punctuation Separator Key-Value", scope: " punctuation.separator.key-value.ini", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Fenced Code Block", scope: [ "text.html.markdown markup.fenced_code.block", "text.html.markdown markup.fenced_code.block punctuation.definition", ], settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Heading", scope: "markup.heading", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Inline", scope: [ "text.html.markdown markup.inline.raw", "text.html.markdown markup.inline.raw punctuation.definition.raw", ], settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Italic", scope: "text.html.markdown markup.italic", settings: { fontStyle: "italic", }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Link", scope: "text.html.markdown", settings: { fontStyle: "underline", }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup List Numbered/Unnumbered", scope: "text.html.markdown beginning.punctuation.definition.list", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Quote Punctuation Definition", scope: "text.html.markdown beginning.punctuation.definition.quote", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Quote Punctuation Definition", scope: "text.html.markdown markup.quote", settings: { foreground: grey[2], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Math Constant", scope: "text.html.markdown constant.character.math.tex", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Math Definition Marker", scope: [ "text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.math.begin", "text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.math.end", ], settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Math Function Definition Marker", scope: "text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.function.math.tex", settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Markup Math Operator", scope: "text.html.markdown punctuation.math.operator.latex", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Punctuation Definition Heading", scope: "text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.heading", settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] Punctuation Definition Constant/String", scope: [ "text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.constant", "text.html.markdown punctuation.definition.string", ], settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[Markdown] String Other Link Description/Title", scope: [ "text.html.markdown", "text.html.markdown", "text.html.markdown", ], settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[SCSS] Punctuation Definition Interpolation Bracket Curly", scope: [ "source.css.scss punctuation.definition.interpolation.begin.bracket.curly", "source.css.scss punctuation.definition.interpolation.end.bracket.curly", ], settings: { foreground: red[0], }, }, { name: "[SCSS] Variable Interpolation", scope: "source.css.scss variable.interpolation", settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, fontStyle: "italic", }, }, { name: "[TypeScript] Decorators", scope: [ "source.ts punctuation.decorator", "source.ts meta.decorator variable.other.readwrite", "source.ts meta.decorator", "source.tsx punctuation.decorator", "source.tsx meta.decorator variable.other.readwrite", "source.tsx meta.decorator", ], settings: { foreground: cyan[0], }, }, { name: "[TypeScript] Object-literal keys", scope: [ "source.ts meta.object-literal.key", "source.tsx meta.object-literal.key", ], settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[TypeScript] Object-literal functions", scope: [ "source.ts meta.object-literal.key", "source.tsx meta.object-literal.key", ], settings: { foreground: blue[0], }, }, { name: "[TypeScript] Type/Class", scope: [ "source.ts support.class", "source.ts support.type", "source.ts", "source.ts", "source.tsx support.class", "source.tsx support.type", "source.tsx", "source.tsx", ], settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[TypeScript] Static Class Support", scope: [ "source.ts support.constant.math", "source.ts support.constant.dom", "source.ts support.constant.json", "source.tsx support.constant.math", "source.tsx support.constant.dom", "source.tsx support.constant.json", ], settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[TypeScript] Variables", scope: ["source.ts support.variable", "source.tsx support.variable"], settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[TypeScript] Parentheses in Template Strings", scope: [ "source.ts meta.embedded.line meta.brace.square", "source.ts meta.embedded.line meta.brace.round", "source.tsx meta.embedded.line meta.brace.square", "source.tsx meta.embedded.line meta.brace.round", ], settings: { foreground: foregroundPrimary, }, }, { name: "[XML] Entity Name Tag Namespace", scope: "text.xml", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, { name: "[XML] Keyword Other Doctype", scope: "text.xml keyword.other.doctype", settings: { foreground: blue[1], }, }, { name: "[XML] Meta Tag Preprocessor", scope: "text.xml meta.tag.preprocessor", settings: { foreground: blue[1], }, }, { name: "[XML] Entity Name Tag Namespace", scope: [ "text.xml string.unquoted.cdata", "text.xml string.unquoted.cdata punctuation.definition.string", ], settings: { foreground: cyan[0], }, }, { name: "[YAML] Entity Name Tag", scope: "source.yaml", settings: { foreground: yellow[1], }, }, ], };
In the
file containing your site's styles, add the following code::root, html[data-theme="light"] { --theme-code-inline-bg: hsla(var(--color-purple), 0.1); --theme-code-inline-text: var(--theme-text); --theme-code-bg: hsla(257, 31%, 22%, 1); --theme-code-tabs: hsla(257, 38%, 32%, 1); --theme-code-text: hsla(var(--color-gray-95), 1); --theme-navbar-bg: var(--theme-bg); --theme-selection-color: hsla(var(--color-purple), 1); --theme-selection-bg: hsla( var(--color-purple), var(--theme-accent-opacity) ); --theme-code-selection-bg: hsla(var(--color-purple), 0.4); --theme-code-mark-bg: hsl(226, 50%, 33%); --theme-code-mark-border: hsl(224, 50%, 54%); --theme-code-ins-bg: hsl(122, 22%, 23%); --theme-code-ins-border: hsl(128, 42%, 38%); --theme-code-ins-text: hsl(128, 31%, 65%); --theme-code-del-bg: hsl(338, 40%, 26%); --theme-code-del-border: hsl(338, 46%, 53%); --theme-code-del-text: hsl(338, 36%, 70%); } :root, html[data-theme="dark"] { --theme-code-inline-bg: #ffffff16; --theme-code-inline-text: var(--theme-text-light); --theme-code-bg: hsla(257, 31%, 11%, 1); --theme-code-tabs: hsla(261, 40%, 21%, 1); --theme-code-text: hsla(var(--color-base-white), 80%, 1); --theme-navbar-bg: var(--theme-bg); --theme-selection-color: hsla(var(--color-base-white), 100%, 1); --theme-code-mark-bg: hsl(224, 60%, 25%); --theme-code-mark-border: hsl(225, 42%, 46%); --theme-code-ins-bg: hsl(122, 29%, 17%); --theme-code-ins-border: hsl(128, 41%, 32%); --theme-code-ins-text: hsl(128, 31%, 55%); --theme-code-del-bg: hsl(337, 47%, 19%); --theme-code-del-border: hsl(340, 34%, 43%); --theme-code-del-text: hsl(340, 24%, 65%); }
Finally, add the following code to your
file:import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"; import { astroDocsExpressiveCode } from "./integrations/expressive-code"; export default defineConfig({ /* ... */ integrations: [ astroDocsExpressiveCode() ], });
Now the code blocks of your Astro site should look like the ones in the Astro Docs. Note that you can modify the CSS styles and the code of the syntax-highlighting-theme
file to make the code blocks match your site's style!